Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can exhaling into drinking glass remove or "vaporize" any dishwashing soap residue that may be left on it?

I happened upon this search result------ "Glasses may also contain soap residue and it is important to rinse it away. Exhaling into the glass and fogging it up will help to vaporize any soap or ..."

-- excerpt from The Professional Bartender's Handbook: A Recipe for Every Drink

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|||No, sorry.=)|||I doubt it. It doesn't sound very sanitary either.|||This sounds very implausable. If there is soap in the glass how will your breath remove it? Unless you have some mighty great breath and can not only clean soap residue but sanitize too. And if you do there is probably a market for it.|||Yes. the exhaling will vaporze the residual of the soap from the glass. Good Luck

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