Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why is it that since 1981 the stock market did better under Democrats and not Republicans?鈥?/a>|||Maybe its becasue the Republicans were busy undoing all the economic mayhem the Democrats had caused. Fannie and Freddie ring a bell ? How about Black Monday under Clinton ?|||Because every one does better . Life was great when Clinton was president . Business thrived . Now in the town where I live during the past 8 years over two thirds of the business's have closed down for good . I just can't understand why people would vote against themselves and vote Republican at all.|||have you been on another planet the last 5 or 6 years?

The market reached record high during GW Bush|||Carter Reagan. LOL you are a IDIOT i can't believe this question. Your first president you remember has to be Bill Clinton LOL.|||Republican economics don't work. We also had a surplus under Clinton, a large one, which the Republicans promptly blew and turned into a deficit under Bush.|||Because the stock market looks ahead to the next election cycle!|||Because the Dems know what they are doing.|||to quote former senator bob dole (r-kansas):

"don't try to confuse me with facts, my mind is made up!"|||Sooooooo the stock market breaking records when Bush was in office dosen't count?|||So you're saying big business is favored by dems,right?|||Timing of market events, stock bubbles, etc. Internet boom led to giant bubble with little substance behind it in Clinton years. If you view that as good I have some stock to sell you.|||BECAUSE REPUBLICANS SELL THE CAR FOR GAS MONEY|||Greed. Is. Good.

Perhaps you missed the 1980s.

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