Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Is there a way to get all the answers for my math book?

I'm enrolled in an online Business Math class. We're using the book "Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers" the 5th Edition by Robert Brechner (ISBN: 978-0-324-56849-3). While doing the Review Exercises for a certain Chapter I've found myself struggling on an even numbered question. Unfortunately, the book only reveals the answers for the odd numbered questions. I'm of course allowed to ask for help via my online classroom's discussion board, but it often takes nearly 48 hours to receive a response from anyone and I need help now, not in 48 hours. So, I was wondering (and yes, I've done a search for this already) if it's possible to find ALL the answers for this specific math book online? Or any other book for that matter. I believe if I can find at least one website with some answers I should be able to squeeze out some more websites from that one, if you know what I mean.

If not, oh well, life will go on and I won't know how to do this specific type of problem...fingers crossed it won't be on the exam ;P

Thanks in advance!!|||Im pretty sure you cant find the answers for even problems but if you post a math problem on here and ask for a explanation on how to do it im pretty sure you'll get a answer on how to do it..

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